HOTEL WEBSITES LED all booking sources in revenue per booking in 2024, generating an average of $519, 60 percent higher than other channels, according to SiteMinder. Furthermore, the largest volume of hotel reservations
from a single technology platform rose 8.5 percent year-over-year, with a value-per-booking 60 percent higher than OTAs at $320.
SiteMinder’s Hotel Booking Trends report, based on more than 125 million reservations, found the figure was 35 percent higher than global distribution systems at $380 and 15 percent higher than wholesalers, DMCs and tour
operators combined at $446.
Direct booking value rose year-over-year, with hotel websites holding or improving their position among top revenue sources in all major travel destinations for the first time. In the U.S., hotel websites remained the
third-highest revenue-generating channel.